Saturday, April 27, 2013

Chazach: 11 month update

Zach and Chaz - sitting unassisted

The pediatrician requested that the twins be observed by development specialists with a concern that they are slightly slower in development. The results show that they do NOT qualify for assistance because they fall within the "normal" range for 8 month olds (their adjusted age). This is good news!  They rate between the 14th and 42nd percentile for things like gross motor and fine motor skills but they are at 99.9%+ in social skills. Can anyone guess whose kids they are?! (Pretty good for having been locked away for most of their lives!). 
Since making that appointment they have progressed a lot. They are almost sitting unassisted and almost holding their bottles. They are excellent combat crawlers by pulling themselves around with their arms. They sleep well (from 8-7) and are beginning to play with each other. Chaz loves to play rough with Paxton; Zach prefers to watch. 

We have made it safely out of RSV season! We needed to keep Zach and Chaz away from crowds and sicky germs during the months of high risk to their sensitive lungs, but the virus numbers are low enough now that we can emerge from our cave. Which means we can go to church as a family! And to parties! And you can start inviting us over for dinner now! 

They fought ear infections which included diarrhea and vomiting for the past 2 weeks (which was probably harder on us than it was on them) but are now making up for lost time in their eating habits. Solid food skills are coming slowly but is on its way.

I can't believe we have been doing this for almost a year. James and I are off celebrating our 6th anniversary without the kids. Last year we celebrated while I was on bedrest in the hospital. Although the room service and "lovely Portland accommodations" were nice, it's much better being at Smith Rock than St. Vincent's.